LINK Children's Contact Service South East Melbourne
LINK Children’s Contact Service is an independent service for parents and significant people in a child’s life to spend time under the supervision of a qualified practitioner.
LINK is a specialist family violence service that provides a risk management and safety approach.
LINK provides a non-judgmental service and advocates for children to have the best possible opportunity to spend time with a parent or a significant other that is safe and child focused.
LINK is an outreach service and supervised visits occur at a public place, parents home or at an agreed location.
Why Supervised Visits?
Supervised visits enable parents and significant people in the child’s life to develop a trusting relationship and ensure the safety and well-being of the child is maintained. There may be a number of reasons why supervised visits are a preferred course of action, such as;
● A parent has been absent from the child’s life and require support reconnecting
● Family Violence
● Lack parenting skills
● Issues around drugs or alcohol
● Requirement of a court order
● Neglect, abuse and/or safety issues .
Supervised visitation is generally recommended by the court. However, it can also be a precautionary measure by the primary parent or the supervised parent (or significant other) that requires additional support to enhance and spend time with the child.
For Parents

If you are a Father reading this, you have probably experienced a number of challenges or difficulties.

The safety and well being of your children and yourself will be the sole most important factor